Thanks to everyone who joined us, it is indeed a great spot and perhaps one day we will visit it again. There was a request to post a paypal button for payment for this trip. It is $30 and the button is below:
Also here is a slideshow of the images I had a chance to take. Not as many as I would normally have liked.
Pt. Mugu Booking info:
Just booked the third trip! Very excited too. I got a hot tip from a GP Alumni who has only the best things to say about Point Mugu State Park. Here are the bullet points:
One hour from LA
Very private group site
Trails that start right in the camp ground
Wifi (I know, crazy, huh?)
14,000 square miles of park
If nothing else, the Pacific Ocean is across the street
What Trails.com has to say about the park's trails
"The La Jolla Canyon and La Jolla Valley Loop Trail has an assortment of highlights. The trail enters a narrow, steep gorge following a perennial stream to a 20-foot waterfall and pool. It crosses broad meadows with spectacular views of La Jolla Peak, Mugu Peak, and Laguna Peak. There is a coastal overlook and a pond by a picnic area."

Point Mugu State Park
It is a good sized reservation with room for 50 people and 16 cars. Should be plenty of room for all.
Looking forward to it already!